Recital Video Tips

Hang up the signage EAP provides at least 4 weeks prior to Photo Day
To remind parents and students to order Recital videos

Distribute paper order forms or electronic forms at least 4 weeks prior to your recital
Remind the parents that they can also order online at

Make sure the videographer has access to your venue at least 2 hours before the first show.
This will give them enough time to set up

Use the "Dance Tools and Forms" we provide for you
Dance tools and forms are on our website through the "Teacher Login" link. We have pre-made ADS you can use in your recital program or on your website. The password is dancer2017

Send in your power point, cast list and electronic copies of your recital at least 1 week prior to your recital
Our production department needs to use these in post production of your recital video. Cast lists should be single spaced, one dancer per line and should be in Word format. If you have questions, contact us. The e-mail address to send files to is: or you may send us a link to your files through the Dropbox website

Ask Questions!
If this is your first year working with EAP let us help you. Call us or Contact Us with any questions you have. We are here to help